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5 questions in 5 mins with Rachel from GWH

5 questions in 5 mins with Rachel from Good Wool Hunting

I hear you have two Master’s degrees. Is that right?

I have a Masters of Art History and Theory and a Master of Library and Information Studies.


What mediums do you use in your art?

I quite like using oil paints or water colours when I am painting. Recently, dyeing yarns is my creative outlet. Especially the precision of creating self-striped yarns. And knitting of course too!


When did you start knitting?

I started knitting many years ago with my maternal grandmother when I was in primary school. Later I tried crocheting, but found it quite limiting as there seems to be more knitting patterns available. A friend helped me with knitting in the round in 2013 and I carried on from there.


Why do you knit?

I like the way that knitting is creative and therapeutic. I have a maximum of three projects on the go at any time of varying degrees of difficulty, depending on my mindset. I limit the amount so I don't feel too overwhelmed with UFOs (unfinished objects)! I knit because I find that it is very therapeutic and relaxing.


Do you have any tips for sock knitters.

Don’t give up after trying your first pair if you find it hard, as there are many different ways to knit socks. I also find having a sock knitting friend helps, as you can motivate each other to complete a pair of socks! Also, use a yarn that you love and make sure you use a sock yarn. I find patterning yarn is more interesting than plain colours.


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